I love shooting photos and videos of people I love.



My Engagement Video

I asked my girlfriend to marry me with this video. Its hard for she or me to watch it without crying. I doubt I could make a video like this for someone else, since I collected photos and videos over the span of 18 months, but it could be fun to try.

Clip Reel

Mother's Day Video For Emma

Michele + Robert's Wedding 

I wasn't paid or anything and I was just a bridesmaid's date, so really this is just a video of me and Aly's friends hanging out at the wedding. Less of a "Wedding Video" more of an "At a Wedding Video".

He's my best friend and I've taken a few photos/videos of Preston, Emma and Quentin since the kiddo was born.  Here's a portfolio of the Soechtings. 

Granny's 85th Birthday

Granny's Photos

Granny's Video

We should be friends. I love meeting new folks.

Fill out the fancy form below and we can grab coffee.